Title: Steady On Rating: NC17 Pairing: John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell Written For: The John-Cam thing-a-thon over at sg_flyboys for omglawdork who asked for one of the following: back at the Academy; Sheppard stuck temporarily Earthside; or drunken shenanigans
Summary: "I've got it," John says into his mouth. "I've got it."
Title: I Don't Need a Man Fandom: SG1 Character: Vala (Allusions to Daniel/Vala; Hints of Cam/Vala) Rating: PG Word Count: 1,071 Spoilers: Through and for the series finale, which has not aired in the US yet. Summary: Vala can't reconcile what she hears from Teal'c.
Original Fic: Fly Boys Time Stamp: This bit from Fly Boys: "Next time you're back on earth, come find me. I'll give you a tour of the SGC." Fandom: SGA/SG1 Pairing: John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell Rating: NC17 Word Count: 1338
Title: Fly Boys Rating: NC17 Pairing: John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell Timeline: During Pegasus Project Written for justhuman who was all, "Flyboys -- Cameron/Shep *guh!*"
Summary: Unbetaed pr0n, folks, that's it. ( Read more... )